Thursday, May 27, 2010


You'd think, at some point, I'd be able to catch a break. Life would look down on me, take pity, and throw something good my way. A good relationship, a decent job, maybe even a five dollar bill on the street. I'd have the chance to feel good for a short time. As far as I can tell, it would seem life is throwing everybody but me a bone. It may seem like it at first. I'll find a cool girl. She'll seem into me. She starts giving me mixed signals. And then, BAM! We're friends. The whole idea of us being together is lost in the move from Relationship City to Friendshippington. Soon enough, she finds a guy that she wants to be with, he turns out to be a complete asshole, and she comes running to me for comfort. I think to myself "This is my chance. Maybe if I play this right, I can finally get out of the Friend Zone and into something more long term. Something with commitment. Something I wanted to have so long ago, and just forgot about." And what do you know, she goes running back to the jerk that left her feeling bad in the first place. "Nice guys finish last" they say. What they don't mention is how we only finish last because the bad boy broke our knees before the race.

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